English cream golden retriever: Dog breed characteristics, pictures, care tips (2024)

English cream golden retriever: Dog breed characteristics, pictures, care tips (1)

Table of Contents

  • English cream golden retriever fun facts
  • Temperament and characteristics
  • Common health problems
  • History
  • Caring for your English cream golden retriever
  • Training
  • Similar breeds
  • Frequently asked questions

Breed overview

  • Breed groupSporting group (American Kennel Club)
  • Height – 21.5 to 22.5 inches (females), 23 to 24 inches (males)
  • Weight – 55 to 65 pounds (females) 65 to 75 pounds (males)
  • Coat length & texture – Firm and resilient, coarse or silky, and may be straight or wavy
  • Coat color – Light cream
  • Exercise needs – High
  • Intelligence – High intelligence
  • Barking – When necessary
  • Life span – 10 to 12 years
  • Temperament – Friendly, gentle, eager to please
  • HypoallergenicNo
  • Origin – Scotland

English cream golden retriever fun facts

  • English cream refers to the coat color, not a separate breed. Golden retrievers come in several colors ranging from light and creamy to rich and gold.
  • One litter of golden retriever puppies may result in little ones with many different coat colors.
  • Despite the name of the color, all golden retrievers are descendants of Scottish dogs.

English cream golden retriever temperament and characteristics

Golden retrievers are one of America’s most popular dog breeds, and their temperament is a big reason why. This breed has a well-worn reputation for being intelligent, friendly, and gentle, and English cream goldens are no exception.

Their gentle personality makes golden retrievers good family pets — they’regood best friends for younger children, and they usually get along well with other animals. Always watch small children with any dog, as even the gentlest ones can get tired of toddlers who don’t know how to play nice.

English cream golden retrievers are not only family-friendly, but they also often make great first impressions with strangers. The breed in general is known for being welcoming towards strangers and guests.

Common English cream golden retriever health problems

English cream golden retrievers are generally healthy but can be prone to various conditions. These issues range from benign skin issues to life-threatening conditions. Understanding potential problems can help you get the best, most prompt care for your furry family member.

  • Snow nose. Despite its name, snow nose, or hyperpigmentation around the nose, can occur any time of the year. It’s also called winter nose or Dudley nose. If more than the nose loses pigment, it’s known as canine vitiligo.
  • Hyperkeratosis. Hyperkeratosis happens when a pup has overgrown, dry, or cracked skin, and you may notice this condition on your dog’s paws or nose. There’s no cure, but your veterinarian can help you find treatments like balms.
  • Hip dysplasia. This condition is common in larger breeds like goldens and happens when the hip joints don’t develop normally.
  • Cancer. Cancer is common in Golden retrievers, particularly older ones. Frequent checkups with the vet can help catch it before it spreads.

Cost of caring for English cream golden retrievers

Hip dysplasia may require surgery that could cost more than $4,000 per side, depending on a dog’s size and the severity of the condition. Cancer treatment can also cost more than $1,000.

Pet insurance can offset out-of-pocket expenses. Dog owners who invest in a plan early in their pet’s life will enjoy more benefits. A pet savings account is another financially responsible option for dog owners of all types.

History of the English cream golden retriever

The name “English cream golden retriever” is a bit of a misnomer. Golden retrievers originated in the Scottish Highlands in the late 1800s. Sir Dudley Marjoribanks, later known as Lord Tweedmouth, cross-bred a wavy-coated retriever named Nous with a Tweed water spaniel, a now-extinct breed, named Belle. Subsequent litters also included combinations of wavy and flat-coated retrievers, another Tweed water spaniel, and a red setter.

The breed was first recognized as “Retriever-Yellow or Golden” by The Kennel Club in 1911 and became known as Retriever-Golden in 1920. The Canadian Kennel Club recognized the breed in 1925, and their American counterparts at AKC did the same in 1932, settling on the name golden retriever.

Working dogs

Dogs of this breed have held down various jobs over the years. Their intelligence and ability to track game have long made them good hunting companions and gun dogs. They’ve also been employed as guide dogs, show dogs, and search and rescue animals. Famous American goldens with lighter coats include Buddy, who played Comet on Full House. Ray Charles, a blind golden retriever, had an English cream coat and became an internet sensation.

Caring for your English cream golden retriever

Though English cream golden retrievers are gentle and loving, caring for any puppy can initially be a bit overwhelming. There are several items on your to-do list — attending your pup’s first trip to the vet and vaccinations among them. You’ll also need to keep your pet safe and comfortable by puppy-proofing and preparing for teething. Learning some other essentials will help you provide the best care for your English cream golden retriever.


Golden retrievers require up to two hours of daily exercise to stay happy and healthy. If you don’t have a securely fenced-in yard where your pet can run around, take them on daily walks or to a dog park. Doggie daycares and dog walkers can step in if you’re gone during the day.

English cream golden retrievers often love active families. They make for good hiking and swimming buddies and are usually up for a game of fetch with a tennis ball or Frisbee.

Goldens are famous for being playful and affectionate, and they crave the love and approval of their owners. They typically prefer to be in a family that can give them the regular physical and mental stimulation they need.


White golden retrievers, as well as their darker-coated counterparts, have dense, water-repellent coats that are not too coarse or wavy. They don’t require much grooming, but a few basics will keep your pet looking and feeling sharp.

  1. Daily brushing. Use a bristle brush to keep your golden’s coat tangle-free and shiny.
  2. Brushing teeth. It’s not just fur that needs brushing. Dental and gum diseases are common in dogs, including golden retrievers. Brushing your dog’s teeth once daily can reduce their risk of developing these issues.
  3. Nail trimming. Regular trimmings every three to four weeks can prevent overgrowth or injury.
  4. Ear cleaning. Golden retrievers are prone to ear infections. Cleaning their ears every one to two weeks can help alleviate this problem.
  5. Monitoring scabs. Scabs can be a symptom of skin infections or hot spots. Balms can reduce issues, but it’s best to have a vet check for underlying causes first.

Diet and nutrition

Healthy English cream golden retrievers within the ideal weight range for their sex thrive on high-quality food with the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) seal. These retrievers are eager to please and adorable, but you must resist the urge to over-treat them.

Treats should be 10% or less of your English cream golden retriever’s daily caloric intake, including treats while training. Consider opting for low-calorie treats when training your English cream golden.

These retrievers should eat twice daily. Generally, a 65-pound spayed or neutered dog needs 1,418 calories per day. Your vet can give the best advice on portions. If your best friend develops a condition such as obesity, your vet will advise on food types and portions.

Training your English cream golden retriever

Golden retrievers have been employed by law enforcement, rescue teams, and guide dog associations for a reason. They’re highly intelligent and eager to please. These characteristics generally make the breed one of the easier ones to train. Training from a young age can help your English cream golden retriever be the best dog they can be.

The ASPCA recommends positive training that teaches a dog kindness and respect. The Humane Society makes similar recommendations. Rewards, such as treats and toys, are more effective than scolding or punishment. Remain consistent, and keep commands short. Think one-word commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come.”

Breeds similar to the English cream golden retriever

Not quite sure that an English cream golden retriever is right for you? Even if you are, it’s worth taking the time to research and consider other similar breeds. Here are a few to get you started:

  1. Labrador retriever. These dogs have yellow, chocolate, or brown coats, but they’re typically shorter than a golden’s. They are also friendly, playful, and easy to train.
  2. Boxer. Boxers are also friendly, fun, and do well in active homes.
  3. French bulldog. For a smaller but still-friendly companion, consider these flat-faced pups.

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English cream golden retriever: Dog breed characteristics, pictures, care tips (8)

Frequently asked questions

Is an English cream golden retriever rare?

English cream golden retrievers are not considered rare dogs. This myth is a marketing tactic. Golden retrievers come in many colors, and puppies of the same litter may have different shaded coats.

What is the difference between English cream and golden retriever?

There is no difference between an English cream golden retriever and a golden retriever. English creams are simply golden retrievers with light-colored fur.

How much is an English cream golden?

Cost depends on where you find your English cream golden. Rescues or shelters may only ask for a donation. A reputable breeder may charge $1,500 or more.

English cream golden retriever: Dog breed characteristics, pictures, care tips (2024)


How do you take care of an English cream Golden Retriever? ›

Grooming and Care of the English Golden Cream Dog Breed

They also require regular baths to keep their coat clean and free of dirt and debris. In addition to regular grooming, the English Golden Cream dog breed also requires regular exercise to keep them healthy and happy.

What are the health issues with English cream Golden Retrievers? ›

In general, an English Cream Golden Retriever is prone to hip and elbow problems. They could also end up with illnesses that impact their hearts and eyes. And an English Cream Golden Retriever can suffer from cancer, just like any other Golden Retriever or Labrador Retrievers.

How often should you bathe an English cream Golden Retriever? ›

The Golden Retriever does require regular bathing and grooming. This energetic sporting dog can be bathed as frequently as every week up to no longer than every 6 weeks. With this double coated breed, regular baths and proper drying sets the foundation to maintaining healthy skin and coat.

How bad do English cream Golden Retrievers shed? ›

The culprit is the breed's thick double coat made up of a plush undercoat and a furry layer on top. It's that warm and fuzzy undercoat that causes the most mess. While a Golden Retriever sheds lightly throughout the year, as with every double-coated dog, he sheds his undercoat in large quantities twice a year.

Do English cream Golden Retrievers like to cuddle? ›

With their famous happy-go-lucky attitude, it's no surprise that cuddling is one of a Golden Retriever's favorite pastimes.

At what age are English cream Golden Retrievers full grown? ›

When Will My Puppy Become an Adult? Typically it will take approximately 18 months for your Golden Retriever to become an adult dog. Even though they can reach their full height at anywhere from 9 to 12 months, it will usually take them longer to fill out to their full weight.

What is the biggest problem with Golden Retrievers? ›

Hip & Elbow Dysplasia

Both the dogs hips and elbows are at high risk of developing Hip or Elbow dysplasia. As the dog ages their elbows and hips become less mobile and often this will lead to lameness and an inability to get up off the floor.

What is the life expectancy of an English cream Golden Retriever? ›

LIFESPAN. The lifespan of English Creams is an average of 10 to 13 years. Some studies have shown lower rates of cancer than American Goldens!

Are English cream Golden Retrievers protective? ›

They are playful and can be protective, making them ideal playmates for kids. Golden Retrievers generally get along well with other pets, including cats and other dogs. Their friendly demeanor reduces the likelihood of aggression, though proper introductions and socialization are always recommended.

How do I keep my English cream Golden Retriever white? ›

Basic grooming needs for White Golden Retrievers include regular brushing, bathing, and nail trimming. Brushing should be done at least once a week to prevent matting and remove loose fur. Bathing should be done every 2-3 months or as needed, using a gentle shampoo that won't dry out their skin.

Are English cream Golden Retrievers hard to train? ›

Training begins immediately with group-based Puppy Kindergarten and basic obedience. Goldens are eager to please, easily trainable, and classes provide the opportunity to meet their physical, social, and mental needs.

Are English cream Golden Retrievers good dogs? ›

English cream golden retriever temperament and characteristics. Golden retrievers are one of America's most popular dog breeds, and their temperament is a big reason why. This breed has a well-worn reputation for being intelligent, friendly, and gentle, and English cream goldens are no exception.

How much should I feed my English cream Golden Retriever? ›

A golden will normally eat about two cups of premium food per day. It can be adjusted a little more or less based on activity level and metabolism. Goldens are prone to skin problems, and a poor quality diet will cause skin problems which translates into costly veterinarian bills.

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